Understanding Ovulation: Your Inner Summer

Perrine Pauwels
Perrine Pauwels

menstrual-cycle-summer.jpgOvulation is the phase of the menstrual cycle when a woman is at her most creative and fertile, both physically and emotionally.

Ovulation is a crucial moment in our menstrual cycle, a time of fertility, creativity and vitality also known as 'inner summer'. Because of a surge in oestrogen levels, many women may feel a sense of possibility and well-being.

Join us as we discover what this phase in our menstrual cycle really involves, from its emotional shine to its physical signs so you know when you're at your most creative!

What is Ovulation?

Ovulation, or inner summer, marks a key moment in the menstrual cycle: it's when a mature egg is released from the ovaries, ready for action!

Usually hitting around day 14 of a 28-day menstrual cycle and lasting 3 to 4 days, this phase is the moment we're most likely to conceive.

The feel-good hormone oestrogen rises to stimulate egg maturation and luteinising hormone increases triggering the release of the egg into the fallopian tube.

Embracing the Emotional Landscape of Inner Summer

Ovulation profoundly influences emotional well-being, bringing in a phase of heightened vitality and sociability.

Your inner summer invites you to bask in the warmth of your inner radiance and step into the spotlight of your life. Feel ready to embody the essence of a "superwoman" with boundless energy and enthusiasm, embracing extroversion, creativity, and emotional openness.

This surge of vitality can be harnessed in various parts of your life, from social to work settings, creative pursuits and relationships. It is a great moment to give presentations, do networking, give a big party or spend quality time with your loved ones.

However, it's essential to avoid overcommitment during this brief 3 to 4-day phase as your energy levels will dip during your inner autumn, and projects may be harder to sustain.

For some, ovulation may evoke feelings of vulnerability or overwhelm, reflecting deeper emotional wounds or unresolved trauma. In such cases, approaching inner summer with compassion and self-care is essential. Seeking support from trusted allies or therapists can help address underlying concerns, allowing for personal growth and healing.

Recognising the Signs of Ovulation

It is important that each woman knows how to read the signs of her body and knows when she's in her fertile phase. Cycle-tracking apps can help but they'll estimate the moment of ovulation instead of being an accurate reflection of what's happening in your own body.

So, what should you look out for? Inner summer is marked by a combination of four key changes and once you start tracking your cycle, chances are that you will notice them too:

  1. Rising oestrogen levels alter cervical mucus creating clear, slippery and stretchy discharge, similar to raw egg white.
  2. Your basal body temperature (the lowest body temperature attained during rest) typically increases by 0.5 to 1 degree Celsius.
  3. The cervix moves higher in the vaginal canal and softens, aiding sperm movement.
  4. You may feel a pinch or twinge in your right or left lower abdomen at the moment the mature egg is released from the ovary. 

Though less common, ovulation may also bring symptoms like headaches or cramps. If these are severe, consult a doctor to check for hormonal imbalances.


Inner summer is a powerful part of the menstrual cycle, marked by fertility, vitality, creativity and emotional richness.

By understanding the physical and emotional signs of ovulation, we can embrace this transformative phase and make the most of its creative and energetic potential.

Whether it's planning for conception or making the most of our heightened creativity and sociability, our inner summer invites us to connect with our bodies and embrace the cyclical nature of our existence.

If you're interested in learning more about the menstrual cycle phases and how they reflect nature's seasons, check out this article.

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