Nutrition & Nature's Medicine

Nutrition and nature's medicine are two of many non-invasive possible interventions to improve our well-being and potentially, prevent disease. Our food choices, or diets, can make us thrive, or ill, and anything in between. What’s more, some foods, herbs and plants have medicinal properties that can help alleviate certain pains and discomforts. An additional benefit of nourishing the body is that in turn it nourishes the spirit. Whilst there is no doubt that the treatments devised by modern medicine can offer an unparalleled opportunity to relieve symptoms and save lives, nutrition and nature's medicine have much to offer, especially where the overall efficacy of conventional treatments is less proven on the longer term. Theories about possible causes of disease, diagnostic tools as well as treatment modalities and strategies vary from region to region in the area of nutrition and nature's medicine. The most commonly researched branches originate from China, with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), India, the cradle of Ayurvedic medicine, and the Western world. These all have in common a focus on addressing the root causes of symptoms, approaching the human body in a holistic manner, rather than isolating body systems. Different degrees of personalisation can be achieved, depending on the branch your practitioner’s training leans on, their individual ways of working, as well as other considerations, such as time and budget. Nutrition and nature's medicine can help maintain health and well-being, as well as address a wide range of acute and chronic conditions, such as auto-immune conditions, cardiovascular diseases, conditions of the digestive tract, depression, diabetes, headache / migraine, chronic inflammatory diseases, cancer, osteoporosis, skin conditions, unexplained fatigue, weight management, and women health concerns and conditions. Nutrition and nature's medicine can be explored on their own, or alongside as they can complement each othe